
I den tekniske- og kemiske procesindustri, optræder vibrationsteknik som en naturlig del af hele produktionskæden, lige fra håndtering af råmaterialerne til pakningen af de færdige produkter.
I procesindustrien er der stor fokus på driftssikkerhed, kvalitet og effektivitet – En industri i konstant udvikling og optimering.
Vores overbevisende tyske kvalitetsvibratorer anvendes over alt i nogle af verdens største procesvirksomheder med succes.
- Granulat og pulverhåndtering
- Dosering og transport af alle typer tørre produkter
- Sigtning og sortering af alle typer tørre produkter
- Tømning og rensning af siloer, beholdere og tragte
- Kompaktering af alle typer produkter før eller efter emballering
- Løser mange problemer i emballagemaskiner
- Big bag tømning eller kompaktering
- Størstedelen af vores produkter kan leveres i rustfri stål og ATEX
Vibrator | Tømning af beholdere & rør | Dosering | Kompaktering | Vibrationstransport | Separation & Sigte | Produkt flow |
NCB | • • | • • | • • | • • • | ||
NCR | • • | • • | • • | • • • | ||
NCT | • • | • • | • • | • • • | ||
NTS | • • • | • • • | • • • | • • • | • • | • • • |
NTK | • | • • • | • • • | • • • | ||
NTP | • • • | • | • • | |||
NEA / NEG | • • • | • • • | • • • | • • • | • • | |
NHG | • • • | • • • | • • | • • | ||
NVT, NVG NVR | • • • | • • • | • • | |||
PKL | • • • | |||||
Luftkanon | • • • |
• Kan findes anvendelig i specielle situationer og applikationer
• • Kan findes særdeles anvendelig til opgaven
• • • Kan anbefales til opgaven
Electric Vibrator Motor NEG

- Three-phase 230/400 Volt 50/60 Hz
- 12,5 Hz to 50 Hz Frequency
- Build-in connection box
- Available in Ex II 2 D (ATEX)
- Hygienic design with smooth surfaces for easy cleaning
These powerful vibrators is used for emptying and preventing bridge building in silos, hoppers, funnels, outlets and containers. Ideally as drives for concrete compaction, vibration tables, vibration feeders, vibration sieves, separators and vibration chutes
Interval Hammer PKL

- Effektiv tømning af alle typer siloer og beholdere
- Kraftige slag der virker som en gummihammer
- Lavt luftforbrug
- Hindre brodannelse og rottehuller i alle beholdere
- Tågesmøring anbefales
Anvendes til tømning og rensning af siloer, beholdere og filtre
Piston Vibrator NTP

- Hard-knocking forceful vibrator for small and mid size installations
- High acceleration and vigorous hard vibration
- Used when rotary vibrators is not enough power
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
The NTP vibrator is a crossover between a traditional vibrator and a impactor NTP vibrator is available in two versions, hard-knocking and soft-knocking It is often used for emptying bins, pipes, silo outlets and hoppers with sticky or adhesive products and materials
Piston Vibrator NTS

- Powerful vibration for mid and big size installations
- Low air consumption and noise level
- Great for compaction of concrete and refractory
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
Preferred powerful vibrator for emptying silos, hoppers and containers NTS vibrator is a very efficient drive for vibration tables for concrete compaction
Pneumatic Blaster Air Cannon

- Low energy consumption
- Low noise level
- High safety
- Available in 9 sizes from 12 to 500 litre
Function Principle VSR BLASTER® air cannons is a pressurized vessel filled with compressed air up to 10 bar. And with a manual-, eletric- or pneumatic solenod valve, the control quick exhaust valve is released and the vessels compressed air is in a flash led into the critical area by the attached blow-pipe. The blow-pipe is available in diffenrent standard sizes and shapes, but can also be supplied in customized sizes to the specific application and solution
Pneumatic Impactor PKL

- The most efficient silo emptying system on the market
- Powerful impacts and low air consumption
- Available in many configurations just for the application
- Prevents bridging and rat holes in silos
- Available in ATEX and high temperature
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
The PKL Impactor is the superior silo tool for ensuring good product flow in most types of bins and hoppers Is widely used for any type of dry or moist products, such as grain, coal, sand, gravel, asphalt, cement or corn The PKL Impactor offers easy installation and automatic emptying system
Pneumatic Piston Vibrator NTK

- Dynamic pneumatic vibrator for most applications
- Low air consumption and noise level
- Big amplitude (stroke) and moderate frequency
- Open-ended free oscillating piston
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
Used for applications where big stroke (amplitude) is required such as vibration feeders, trays, chutes, sieves, separators and vibration tables The NTK vibrators impressive adaptable vibration offers a great solution for handling most types of dry products and materials
Pneumatic Piston Vibrator NTP

- Hard-knocking forceful vibrator for small and mid size installations
- High acceleration and vigorous hard vibration
- Used when rotary vibrators is not enough power
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
The NTP vibrator is a crossover between a traditional vibrator and a impactor NTP vibrator is available in two versions, hard-knocking and soft-knocking It is often used for emptying bins, pipes, silo outlets and hoppers with sticky or adhesive products and materials
Pneumatic Piston Vibrator NTS - Big

- Powerful vibration for mid and big size installations
- Low air consumption and noise level
- Great for compaction of concrete and refractory
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
Preferred powerful vibrator for emptying silos, hoppers and containers NTS vibrator is a very efficient drive for vibration tables for concrete compaction
Pneumatic Piston Vibrator NTS - Small

- Efficient vibration for small and medium size installations
- Low air consumption and noise level
- Great for maintaining product flow
- Easy and fast installation
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
Used for small and mid sized funnels, chutes, trays, sieves, feeders, containers, packaging machinery and emptying pipes and tubes. NTS vibrator is a very versatile and small unit, which is easily installed with only one screw
Pneumatic Turbine Vibrator NCT

- Affordable vibration for small and medium size installations
- Reducing friction on problematic products
- High frequency and powerful
- Reduced noise level
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- No lubrication is required
Used for hoppers, funnels, chutes, trays, sieves, feeders, containers, packaging machinery and emptying pipes and tubes
Pneumatic Vibration Dosing DosyPack

Complete pneumatic vibration dosing unit DosyPack with hopper, is used for precise dosing of all dry products With instant start & stop action the PowerPack can be used in cooperation with a weighing system for precise packaging The pneumatic operation ensures easy and fast adjustment of the required dosing speed on the fly
Pneumatisk Dosering DosyPack

Med indbygget tragt tilbyder denne DosyPack den kompletter løsning til hurtig transport og dosering af alle type tørre produkter. Med sin hurtige start & stop aktivering, anvendes disse PowerPack ofte sammen med afvejningssystemer til præcis dosering uden spild
Pneumatisk Luftkanon Blaster

- Lavt energiforbrug
- Lavt støjniveau
- Høj Sikkerhed
- Kan leveres i 9 størrelser fra 12 til 500 liter
Funktionsbeskrivelse VSR BLASTER® Luftkanonen virker ved at den trykafprøvet beholder fyldes med luft op til 10 bar, og med hjælp af en elektrisk- eller manuel magnetventil (24V. eller 230V.) og hurtigventil udløses det akkumuleret tryk, og skydes igennem udblæsningsrøret med et eksplosionsagtigt tryk. Udblæsningsrøret kan forsynes med kundetilpasset udblæsningsstudse, som vil kunne leve op til alle fysiske krav
Pneumatisk Stempel Vibrator NTP

- Effektiv vibration til små og mellemstore installationer
- Høj acceleration og kraftige vibrationer
- Anvendes hvor de roterende vibratorer må opgive
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring påkrævet
Anvendes til tragte, slisker, siloer, beholdere og opretholde materialeflow
Pneumatisk Stempel Vibrator NTS - Stor

- Effektiv vibration til store og mellemstore installationer
- Lavt luftforbrug og lydniveau
- God til kompaktering af beton og andre støbematerialer
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring påkrævet
Anvendes til tragte, slisker, siloer, beholdere og opretholde materialeflow
Stempel Vibrator NTK

- Effektiv vibration til store og mellemstore installationer
- Lavt luftforbrug og lydniveau
- Stor amplitude og lav frekvens
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring påkrævet
Anvendes til transportfødere, vibrationsborde og sigter for alle typer produkter
Stempel Vibrator NTS - Lille

- Effektiv vibration til små og mellemstore installationer
- Lavt luftforbrug og lydniveau
- God til at hindre produktstop
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring påkrævet
Anvendes til små tragte, slisker, fødere, rør, emballagemaskiner, beholdere og opretholde materialeflow
Turbine Vibrator NCT

- Økonomisk og effektiv vibration til mellemstore installationer
- God nedsættelse af friktion på problematiske produkter
- Moderat frekvens og lydniveau
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring og vedligeholdelse er ikke nødvendig
Anvendes til tragte, slisker, fødere, rør, emballagemaskiner og beholdere
Vacuum Fixing VAC

- Flexible and strong fixation of vibrators on most surfaces
- Easy to reposition and handle
- Can be mounted with all our pneumatic vibrators
- Vacuum is created with compressed air
- Can be fixed on curvy surfaced like drums and barrels
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
VAC Vacuum fixing is a very flexible mounting solution, when permanent fixing is not an option, or fast repositioning is required. The VAC system is supplied fully assembled with an operation handle for full control